Kindling and Flame |
Issue 12
When you asked me, I always said
Primly: ‘I am tethered to life By a dream and by a prayer.’ No detector, no detective Could have given me the lie, Or discovered the roast and bread Sliced by memory’s made-up knife As I spoke. The rôti, finger- Stripped in truth, laughs to see me live Off spruced-up memories by Spouting cliché after absurd cliché; But the rôti is here, today, Still saying more eloquently Than the most profound homily: Stay alive. Stay whole. Stay sane. Like dancing flames Convincing wood To keep on burning, Roasts and ice-cream Bid me live on. |
Hibah Shabkhez is a writer and photographer from Lahore, Pakistan. Her work has previously appeared in Penine Platform, Rust and Moth, Think Journal, The Font, The Raven's Muse Magazine, and a number of other literary magazines.